Have you wondered what a fusion of Milton and Tillinghast would look like? I present to you Crawford Dammers.

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Dies iraeドラマCD『Die Morgendammerung』好評発売中!

143 319

takosames for the crowd. a commission and a trade with @/dammerdoc!

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Order: https://t.co/QdibZtJ2VY

Squid, Elbow, Rolling Stones, Roisin Murphy, The Clash, Flaming Lips, Ramones, IWDG, Bob Dylan, Jerry Dammers, Selecter, Art Of Noise, Oh Sees...

0 2

Look, it's Milton Dammers, still adorable FBI agent!

1 10

Milton Dammers
My art that I worked on for a long time. I'm happy with the end result! ✏️

1 7

Things I'm looking forward to... watching the final part of The Ring Cycle on website this weekend, part four - such a brilliant production especially the parachuting Valkyries! 🎶🌊🔥🌈

5 17

Milton Dammers
I haven't sketched this scene yet.
Frank Bannister is just about to call Milton's an asshole! 👻

1 9

I mean come on I don't really have to explain the connection between Pyra and Mythra and the Zohar right like the Dammerung/Wilhelm/Albedo connected to the Zohar and it was a reach but like this is legit.

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"I'm the most twisted, perverse little ferret of an FBI man you've ever seen,,

2 9

Michel de Klerk https://t.co/6xdLkiMowN
1-2 Spaarndammerplantsoen, North side (1913–1915)
3-4 Spaarndammerplantsoen, South side (1915–1916)

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milton dammers with a juice box
what will he do https://t.co/dTYk3WUjTB

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Gestern im Stream habe ich diese tolle Schwarzkinn-Grundammer gemalt. // A big thanks to for allowing me to use his photo as a reference 💚

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Drie eeuwen lang was Amsterdam nauw betrokken bij slavenhandel en slavernij. Honderdduizenden mensen werden er verhandeld en te werk gesteld. Meer dan 1000 van hen kwamen naar de stad. Vanaf 30 juni in : Amsterdammers en Slavernij https://t.co/N3AkqA5LyN

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