Finished performing dentistry/surgery on myself! Benefits of being a cyborg, just get a new set of teeth at-will...

0 11

don't eat too many sweets now, or you'll be seeing a trip to the dentist.

6 11

Me: "-people kept being like 'why is Kaminari holding Wash in this merch? They have no meaningful connection in the show' so I explained ACTUALLY it's because Denki's boyfriend has the quirk BrainWASH and this is just another sign Shinkami is canon."

My dentist: "please...stop."

47 581

My dentist showed up right after the stream so now I have both my fangs 🦷

1 25

Damn this dentist check-up is getting… interesting.

Ft. Oswald the Owl.

45 270

Absolutely in love with this commission from !
Roobz perfectly captured the chaos my brother and I share. 11/10 dentists recommend! 💙

1 6

To no dentista mas lembrei disso agora vendo o twitter

Feliz dia das mulheres kk para vocês

E desenho representativo as duas mulheres q me acompanham nos desenhos , Lilliam e Dark

6 36

Darkseid Is

(in the waiting room at the dentist)

12 76

Não acredito que vou ter que ir no dentista amanhã pq machuquei a gengiva e ela inflamou aaaahhhhhhhh

0 0

On Wednesday I have to take babiest bean to the dentist for an emergency appointment… ;; shit will be extremely costly…

22 20

Slight update: Dentist is not in the office today, but they pretty much said any pain going up towards your ear is diagnosed as dry socket.. if they treat it, I will be in less pain but it will take ANOTHER WEEK to heal.

So I think I'll just rough it out <con.>

2 44

Would Metal Man make a good dentist?

3 10

Greetings, I am a zombie frog dentist! I may be undead, but my passion for dental hygiene is still very much alive. Come see me for a checkup, and I'll make sure your teeth are so clean that they'll shine brighter than the full moon. bRing your brainzzz too

1 5

Why are dentists so barbaric? My right cheek is numb and poofy and it was just a gum cleaning😭 have to go back next week since we have to do these in segments.

1 8

La couverture du tome 8 d'Excuse me dentist, it's touching me ! est trop belle 💕💕

Le tome 5 sort le 5 avril en France.

2 7

💜Ala segunda visita en el dentista, a ver si no me duele la muela al salir esta vez :S💜

0 13

Poor start, but acupuncture helped, then shopping and the dentist. Oh boy, not too good after that.

Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Guid efternuin
Tráthnóna maith

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha sgoinneil agad
I hope you have a great day
I hiner ye hae a stoatin day

0 4