✨Survive cats✨

gracias por los +300 seguidores!.
los quiero mucho ✨❤️❤️❤️


16 121

We are drawing everyone who saves us in evade and these girls came to save me, if you are interested in a drawing I have open commissions for your roblox characters!

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Jard forgot that they can respawn.

4 47

shes SO cute how has she evaded cygames for this long

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ta-da mi hermano y yo un gran equipo para entrar a evade >:3

1 1

Uh. yeah! Evade is fun, i like my avatar in there, thas it

2 3

Y de repente.... Ellas estaban ahí. Todo este tiempo.

No están todas las personitas que han aportado su granito de arena para que estos últimos tiempos hayan sido un poco más llevaderos, pero igualmente les estoy infinitamente agradecida a cada una de ellas❤️

28 300

Only true Chipp homies know the hidden Chipp lore, he can predict where a bullet will go depending on where the shooter is pointing, so he can evade or reflect them

18 64

😳mcoc V33 / Vee

proud Nevadean, hyperactive, hardworking SIMP
goes to the gym everyday to flex on Ben and impress Sol, but is very anxious and overthinks through everything until she believes every conspiracy theory known to man while also believing the truth

(i simp her too..

8 52