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"Welcome Home, Zack" OMG look at these babies!!! 🥹😭I can't. They're too beautiful, they need to reunite and finally be able to be happy together. Please Square, Zack and Aerith deserve a happy ending.♥️

12 50

"Nothing shall forestall my return"

Happy release day! Here's also to anticipating Genesis' appearance in and any potential link to Dirge of Cerberus' secret ending. 🤞

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クラウドー!!! 誕生日おめでと!!!!!
「カッコつけてるかと思えば間の抜けたこともする(シド談)」なクラウド、好きだぞ〜!!! FF7Rebirthも楽しみにしてるからな!!!(勿論CCFF7Rも!!)

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The past is forever. But the future—even if it has been written—can be changed. So focus on the future—not the past.

28 150

pretty much has to have a different cover art to given that the Shinra Building wouldn’t make sense going forward. So.. what do you think it could be?

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How will they handle the Weapon design in FF7 Rebirth? I am hoping we get to see them at the end of PART 2.

If we do I hope they are truly terrifying as it will be the most opportune moment in FF history to show us the true scale and power of the GOAT Superboss

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青薔薇のエアリス💙 She looks so so pretty I die, I love Aerith way too much 😭

FF7Rebirth | FF7 Ever Crisis | Final Fantasy 7

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