went back and tried drawing Oerba Dia Vanille again. Vanille, Fang, and Sazh have become my faves from FFXIII 😊

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I just think Lightning and Hope's interactions at the start of FFXIII are fun

(and a glue trap variant why not)

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What are your favorite Playstation 2 RPGs

Todo o meu amor por FFXII, assim com KH2. Jogos lindos!! ❤️
Gosto mt do FFX tbm e Radiata Stories é maravilhoso, pena que só terminei o caminho not human. A história é melhor nessa rota, mas o lado human tem os personagens mais legais. https://t.co/Rl6Pwa0Zw1

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FFXII Penelo

779 6681

FFXII Revenant Wings Penelo

571 5909