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Noming on film.... i cant remember what that "clack" thing is called...

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also i foresaw this is the film I'm making.

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thanks for the follow so heres a pic by me for u ONLY ARE KING

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(1) Man in Moon, alias Tsar Lunar. Di film cuma dikasih lihat dlm bentuk bulan, sdgkn di novel seperti ini.

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Ryan Goseling drawing that's it for me tonight I'm going dancing. Lalalaa

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¤Awaiting to be the next epic fantasy film for all ages, full of myth, magic & monsters, a classic light vs dark war¤

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of my character 'George' in the soon to be released Film..that's deffo going on my wall xxxx

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Un clin d’œil à ce film magique.

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Have been painting some pics for an upcoming short film called by Joe Patrick http://t.co/CyOyo4Nrzx

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Finished a logo for a film-making friend last week. It's colourful.

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if they ever made a live action film this guy would be the perfect Sebastian Mechaelis

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This is the only way a film should be made. would make a EPIC

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Saturday night!!!I'm indulging in wine and working on a new painting, It's from a beautiful film called 'Like Crazy'.

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Now for some ladies who kick butt on the silver screen! Movie Heroes Part VIII:

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I redid a still from my ol' thesis film Moonswept. Can't believe that was 2 years ago!

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Found out my Captain America poster from last year will be featured in the AtoZ of film posters book! Very happy

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Today on swackett: Peep Alba
swackett salutes Jessica Marie Alba, an American television and film actress and model.

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