Hi I'm so happy to see so much beautiful bird art recently! Here are a few of my recent works. 🦤

Thanks for this great # 🧡

4 44

Hello My name is Emma and I use my therapy pigeon characters to share self care advice and reminders. I created them when I started doing my own therapy art and people really seemed to like them 💖

10 30

One of the things that I like to illustrate the most is nature! Specially I love to draw animals in any technique...
And birds are so beautiful with their fluffy feathers, flying free of any worry...

Thanks for the hashtag !

4 25

Hello there I don't draw birds in pictures by themselves as often as I would like, but several of the main characters in my fantasy webcomic are phoenixes based on rl birds so you still see them often! You can read my comic at https://t.co/bap333q7bj :) https://t.co/WYBCpnWZQ1

1 3

Hello I'm Crowartist! I love to draw birds in all sorts of crazy poses as I try to master wings!

I also love to draw bird intelligence and behaviour! Favourite birds are the 'mean' ones; like Ravens, Pelicans, Gulls, Cuckoos etc.

I go crazy for Ducks too! 🦆

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Hi I use my art to discuss conservation and highlight species that I love. Every species I draw gets paired with facts & info.

I am currently working on my Natural Science Illustration certificate through RISD's CE program.

1 10

Hello I'm Heather and I love painting animals, birds included ofc.

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Some more of my bird paintings for I get a bit fantastical or abstract with them sometimes, if I'm feeling really self-indulgent.

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Hi I do graphic design , which sometimes means I get to draw birds! Here are a few of my favorites. :)

72 413

I'm starskynder! I love web-dev and digital illustration!

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Hi I'm Heather. I make part of my living as a natural history illustrator. I've been drawing birds since I was old enough to pick up a pencil. Now, I create them in graphite, coloured pencil, acrylic and Photohop. I also teach other people how to draw them.

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I’m Marissa and I adore drawing cute birds! 🐥💖

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Hello I am Sam! I'm a pixel artist making game art and illustrations.

Often times I'm drawing Toucans because I am IN LOVE with their beaks!

7 46

oh hey are we sharing bird art now? hello I draw a lot of birds, come see my birds!

15 68


I'm Dannie, and I mostly create fantasy art but I also really love painting birds (especially detailed feathers and wings!)

58 249

Hello I’m Hika, I love animals, birds and especially robins - need to draw even more of them!

9 37

Hola I love drawing birds, be it fantasy (anthro or not), actual birds, gryphons, hippogryphs or more.

I mostly end up doing anthro art, but birds are my favorite ones to work on <3

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Hi I may dabble in a few different styles but at the end of the day it's nearly all birds all the time over here.

5 13

hi there

I'm Fox and i draw either very detailed or very simple art, and do animation sometimes!
I love birds of all kinds a lot and include them in my art, and creature/character designs.

5 21