ya me entraron ganas de hacer más de esto 👀 kjdsgagsd
no pude evitar escribir una frase del Sr. Peanutbutter XD sorry

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"you're a good guy Gary!!"

some Gary fanart for , not that they'll see this anyways but oh well

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Gee Lil' Cato! How come your mom lets you have TWO dads?

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drew Gary with a human version of Avocato icons (Avocato designed by ) for to celebrate their second season! well done on getting a second season for an amazing show. I cant wait to watch it on netflix!

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you guys will be pleased to know my new Gary tee has arrived in England safely!! And I fricken love it thank you 💙💙💙

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This season is train wreck. Here momma gary

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i was having an art block so i decided to doodle something quick to relax. Have a Gary being domestic
(also first time doing robotic stuff, plis have mercy xD)

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