Not AF-related but I still wanted to draw their OCs since I love their designs!

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Klags Darkia

Hope you like it!

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CryogeniX "Cry", the explosive shapeshifting lucky rabbit warrior and of course my sona, now featuring lots of notes and randomness i worked on during my hiatus~💥🍀🐇

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Lil sneakpeak of new logo while I've been working on desktop wallpaper, not huge changes besides colour and wings, ive made it more like a flame and more relatable to my name since magenixy stands for magpie-phoenix- smixy(now nixy) 2nd is desaturated old logo

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So I decided to give the rosé banner a break since my luck on there is eh so while watching Nanogenix I decided to pull on the other banner and I got the new Goku on one try XD

Thanks for the luck XD

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My sona, CryogeniX "Cry", the explosive shapeshifter! Featuring random sketches and notes 💥💥

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Different bodies, but same person and soul. I'm CryogeniX "Cry", the hexagon shapeshifting robot of explosions!

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Tagged by to introduce myself, and share 4 of my favorite art. I'm CryogeniX "Cry", an artist that draws mostly my alien OCs, but also does fanart of series that inspire me such as Digimon, Pokemon, Neopets, and more.


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I'm Cryogenix "Cry", i'm an artist that draw fanart of games i like and inspire me such as Digimon, Pokemon, Neopets, MM, but my main focus is to draw and write about my sona and OCs! You can check more about my OCs personality and/or lore here -

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A little Gene and Zenix thing! will be posting it all in the coming days... 🙃will be many a genix

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I'm Cryogenix "Cry", a robot from my robot species called "Robokodo". I'm a ninja guardian squid with the ability to shapeshift. Careful, my explosion abilities may cause you to go KABOOM! 💥💥

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someone in chat said quality faces for genix family and this immediately came to mind

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手塚真監督の1983年の自主映画『SPh(エスフィ)』のフライヤー、音楽はPHONOGENIXです! 上京した際に池袋・文芸座ル・ピリエに観に行きました

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[Drawing] Here comes the complementary colors! Exploding and flattening everything in their way. Cryogenix and Nickaeru, for short Nickogenix/Cryogenick!

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Hiya my name is Sabrina aka Magenixy, and I love drawing dragons and animals, realism, and fanart of the game Runescape, obsessed with tiny details

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Happy birthday ! I hope no one tries to get some of your delicious treasure!

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