and all the supporters, take a bite of this.

You need a good nourishment to have the strength to make trending!

Remember to peel it off first tho 😁

13 22

To my friends. You have been like brothers to Alita Army and we thank you for your support! We are at a crucial time in the future of Alita. With the / pitch possibly imminent we must help too! Rosa Salazar deserves!

25 39

Atención gente!
Una vez mas nos apoyaremos mutuamente los fieles amigos del con los de
Juntos moveremos a lo estudios este 13 y 14 de abril
Pd: También apoyen los que son del y también apóyenlos el 12 de febrero

17 36

I want to take his hand 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🦾🍊🍫#GiveAlitaHerSequel

2 19

There is no courage without fear, nor continuation without perseverance! !

10 28

“Tonight is not a game. It is a hunt.”

“I will give 500K to the one who kills the girl called Alita.”

4 10


🎨Arte de wazs_san / Instagram

⚔️🍊🍫🩸❤️💧😇9️⃣9️⃣🌹 ALITA 99

12 36

🎨Arte de anderson _elias_rafael/Instagram

⚔️🍊🍫🩸❤️💧😇9️⃣9️⃣🌹 ALITA 99

19 54