202 586

Did anyone say dragons?

House of The Dragon Knight
Concept Art: Mike Azevedo

144 998

Unbelievably excited to potentially see these characters in

- Aegon the Conqueror 👑
- Torrhen Stark (the King who knelt) 🐺
- Orys Baratheon (founder of House Baratheon) 🦌
- Balerion the Dread 🐉

8 38

The event that impresses me most about the Targaryen conquest is the extinction of the Hoare house and the birth of Harrenhal as a legend; a fact that I tried to catch in the details.
Inspired by saga and

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How Come Fantasy Incest Is Smut When You Watch It On Pornhub | Emmy Winning Art When You Watch It On HBO | Different Stokes? "House Of The Dragon"


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showrunners Ryan Condal & Miguel Sapochnik are currently in London where filming will soon begin on the new prequel series.

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Queen Alyssa Velaryon, mother to the children of King Aenys I Targaryen. She had purple eyes and silver hair. #

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Princess Rhaena Targaryen, one of the "Black Brides", sister-wife to Prince Aegon the Uncrowned. She had lilac eyes and silver-gold hair. #

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Queen Alysanne Targaryen, sister-wife to King Jaehaerys I and mother to his children. She had blue eyes and honey-colored curls. Targaryen

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Dragons are coming.
begins production in 2021.

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HBO confirme que la production de (prequel de Game Of Thrones) commencera en 2021

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A série 'House Of The Dragon' (Spinoff de Game Of Thrones) irá começar a sua produção em 2021.

A série irá estrear na HBO e estará disponível no serviço de streaming da HBO Max.

10 313

D'altronde, s'intitola
A sorpresa, svela due Concept Art per l'annunciato prequel di mettendo in chiaro sin da ora che sì, i Draghi ci saranno eccome.
Produzione in partenza nei primi mesi del 2021!

1 15

Check out this awesome concept art for the upcoming series!

(via )

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- 9 déc. ⤵️⤵️

oblige, on va se pencher sur les ressources concernant la Danse des Dragons, terrible guerre de succession qui opposa Rhaenyra Targaryen et son demi-frère Aegon (futur II) entre 129 et 131 après la Conquête.

1 15

ターガリエン家を綴った年代記『炎と血 Ⅰ』の表紙が発表されました。
『炎と血』は日本語未訳だった原書『Fire & Blood』を二分冊し、2カ月連続で早川書房より刊行されます。『Ⅰ』の発売日は20年12月17日。
本書は21年から制作される スピンオフドラマ の原作です。(1/2)

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