Hunt: showown、一部の変態銃マニアの皆様に愛される事請け合いなアレやコレやがあるので、「おっ…」な人は、今すぐウィッシュリストに入れると良いと思います。

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Swamp belle (Hunt: Showdown fanart)
The fanart is based on the slavic ‘bolotnitsa’ (rough translation: a swamp maiden). I missed more monsters in the water during the gameplay, and these 2 seemed to go well together :)

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Experimenting. This is inspired a little by Hunt Showdown. I think you might think this is cool Dan?

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💀Going live on
Stop by for a scary good time

Playing some with my zapper bb then Bayonetta part 2 later

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「hunt together. die alone」

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I feel more comfortable playing solo Quickplay in than partners. I'm just a lone wolf at heart with a stalking mindset.

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Jetzt gibt's noch ein bisschen Monsterschnetzelei bei mit mir und einem übermüdeten . Das kann ja nur großartigh werden!

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Ab 19.30 Uhr gibt's wieder 'n lecker Ründchen mit und vermutlich später auch (falls der seine Fahrstunde überlebt)

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It’s 1:30am. I just got home. I may have had some drinks. Joker was good. 1.1 patch is downloading. Stream at 9am CEST? Maybe... not... will update you once I’m awake. Good night

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New Hunt in and 3d printing BD-01 from star wars

come and say hi on mixer where i livestream and lets have some fun

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Getting the old gang back together for a new game. Come watch & & I hit up on

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hunt showdownってゲームのTraits

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