
26 86

🎈For Kenshin's birthday, he promises to take it ALL off if...

you all get this image to 🐰40 LIKES🐰!

So give him a LIKE for another very special and revealing image! 😉

42 383

Careful kittens. It looks like the dragon is hungry ;)

1 3

This takes place in an au modern time and he has just gotten home. However, she can't help but tease (like always) and before she knows what happens she is trapped between him and the wall.
“Careful with pushing your luck, Ivy, or else”

1 5

"Happy birthday, Kenshin! Is there anything you want? "

"Anything I want..? "

"Yes! What do you want for your birthday present? "

"I don't need anything but your existence and your beautiful smile, my dear. "

12 35

Happy Valentine's day everyone 🌸

He rather wanted to borrow her lap for a nap.

So she forgot to give him the homemade chocolate (which she had help making since she is walking disaster in a kitchen).

9 46

# 怒らないから正直にどんな絵を描いて欲しいか言ってごらんなさい


11 43

# 怒らないから正直にどんな絵を描いて欲しいか言ってごらんなさい

塩サマ …エッッッッッッッッッとはまた違ったものになってしまった💦申し訳ない…_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):


4 23

Happy Valentine's Day 2023!!

"I love everything about you, and I love you because you are you~"

Art commissioned from Hayati Nikmah (FB)
Accompanying love letter will be on subsequent tweet.

4 23

Happy Valentine's Day 2023! 🎉🎉

I will borrow some tags (_ _;)

21 47

Happy Valentine's day~💜

She tried her best but her chocolates ended up being bright blue.😱🤦‍♀️

Luckily, the classmate she made them for didn't seem to mind.🥺🥰

31 147

"Try using your head more. You're not some wild animal."🙊

A sarcasm not seen in centuries is rolling your way~

Kanetsugu is coming... are you prepared?
Check out his Campaign Page today!🔜🏯

78 440

Sometimes a disagreement can turn into more, but when all's said and done...😤

How would you prefer he make it up to you?😳

Enjoy steamy stories, Special Themes, and a cool outfit for His Avatar in Forgive Me with This Kiss!💋


8 73

Ikémen Sengoku - Kicho Main Story
coming soon!
Japanese server

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เตรียมเปิดรูท คิโจว เร็ว ๆ นี้

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