Nice to meet you!
Vtuber who loves sake!
Can foreigners drink sake?
Please get along if you like! !!

1 4

Hi. I’m Inafu.
It's a cool Japanese Vtuber.
I have no gender. Imagine my gender as you like!
I have a lot of friends on Vtuber in Indonesia.

Let's be friends :)

31 160

I tried to sing a song nya∼!😊❤️


3 36

Hey guys!🙌✨
I uploaded my new video, playing !😊❤️❤️✨
Please enjoy!👍💓

Go watch∼❤️【

5 26

7:55 A.M. in Japan time (GMT+9)

【JPVtuber】#HeyYouPikachu ピカチュウと朝活

6 18


I uploaded an English new video♪
Check it out!😆😆😆❤️
This challenge is too difficult💦💦💦

【JPVtuber】I Challenge English tongue twisters!! 英語の早口言葉に挑戦☆

10 25

Hi guys!
I'm Nanashi-chan. I'm Japanese Vtuber.
Please feel free to talk to me.
I will try my best to reply.😆👍

I just started to learn English.
But I want to talk to everyone.
I got this!

4 15