KingtobHearts - Day 1 - Light

"I want to be a beacon that guides them back"

2 9

I knew you wouldn't understand...sister

40 81

Having finished Dark Road this is canon Nomura told me so

27 118

Presents you Helgrun for literally no reason other than the Norse wiki told me so

15 47

he's a little crazy but its ok

42 79

What does it feel like to hide behind many faces?

17 33

It's a tragedy. It's a sad song. But we sing it anyway.

16 42

Finished up a commission for a fellow KH fan and artist on Instagram. I really like her OC's design.

16 74

Forgot to upload this here so uploading it now. Just something I worked on and off on to celebrate the end of Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road `#khdrspoilers

0 5