⚡️😈NEW DROP😈⚡️

흑묘해 맞이 흑토끼 베베들🐰🖤
(노말 / 150klay / 에드이벤트 아닙니다!)

베베 오카방에서 룰렛 돌림판으로 홀더를 뽑습니다!
오카방 공지 댓글에 '참여' 라고 적어주세요!
한쪽만 참여 가능🖤

💔1.18일 밤 10시 추첨💔

18 29

🌟드롭스 공지🌟

원시인들은 들어라!
5마리의 공룡들이 처들어온다!
모두들 수요일에 모여서 공룡을 포획하라!

1️⃣ 2023.01.18. 23:00
2️⃣ 50klay
3️⃣ 마리당 10 조개껍질 보상
4️⃣ URL : https://t.co/BQYlJVrAbr

4 9

✨Streetmonster x Jelly lee Collaboration✨

겜순이 젤리리🎮와 보스몹 몬스터😈의 콜라보가 리스팅됩니다‼️


🗓️2023. 01. 18 (수) 저녁 10시
🪙 70Klay

26 38

Still the best and most zaniest art in nfts!! Check out the Eternal Klay collection on Opensea today! (It's a verified collection by renowned, world-famous artist )

8 12

These are some of my favorite Eternal Klay nft pieces. The art is very expressive and meaningful.

3 3

it took me 2 days drawing the most wholesome scene I've seen in a while. klay had to feel first the sense of being totally vulnerable and totally supported by someone just as caring as her for everyone. thank you 🥹 💗

1250 5480

just picked up an Eternal Klay I've wanted for a long time with profits from another project, Workin for da Man Klay! Big sale for the Klays, .1 !! Very clean 70s Klay.

3 5

🧿SaveTheBlind x 7HELLWORLDS😈

🥳콜라보 에어드랍 2차 판매🥳

✨에어드랍 > 500klay✨

판매해 주신
구매해 주신


9 28

💥#Ovilinest 💥

🎁#airdrop = x1 x 500
x5 x 15

⏳1/19 21:00

😍#용평리조트 실물 기반


2️⃣Like & RT
3️⃣Tag 3 friends
go gleam

289 256


The Eternal Klay Collection by has been fixed by the helpful folks at !

Come join the best collectors of the finest art in all of NFTs! No purchase necessary, hang with us on Discord and enjoy the art! https://t.co/qWiwVO4Ftf

9 20

My choice for Jan. 13th is Klott Snuz KoffBad this Klay is owned by Plutoboy on opensea.The description for this Klott is These amazing Klott NFTs are a limited set with eyes and mouths animated by Mike Dietz! Who is Mike Dietz? Continued…

4 10

Klay: *talks alot
Fidel: *nainlab (fell in love)

530 2390

My choice for Jan. 12th is Double Klaytin. This Klay is owned by ZenNFT and The description is Double Klaytin is the only two-headed Klay. The two heads get along well enough so long as they wear their Jughead hats. If one of them ever loses their hat; continued…

3 3

✨Jelly Lee X Shiny Cat Collaboration✨

고양이가 된 JL Person🐱 X 젤리리가 된 샤캣🍮

🔽2023.01.12 (목) 저녁 10시 70Klay 리스팅

41 59

My choice for Jan11th is Klayby DooDoo. This is another Klay owned by who was also inspired by Doug to start his own collection that is a friendly collection with us the Zip Bugs. I myself have 1 and they have a dedicated channel in our discord. The description is…

4 11

Hello My choice for Jan.10th is Klaynimal GreenTuff this amazing Klay is owned by one of our oldest & more involved fans . This is not SmoothCruz's only custom that he has gained while being apart of this collection and community he has been able to get some nice gems.

5 8

🏠🟡드림 홈 클럽 리스팅 안내🟡🏠
🏠🟡꿀 벌 Light🟡🏠
🐝세대주를 모십니다🐝
🏘🏘🏘대단지 프로젝트🏘🏘🏘

4 15

Pick for Jan 6th is FatherMen Burt Hamstring and Burt Jr. featuring Kitten Greg. This amazing Klay is owned by aromo and came strait out of the heart of . This was a complete custom and goes to show the uniqueness found within the collection. Thank you all Dads!

3 11