
I used to be well known at anime conventions for my Kagome snapchat drawing (2017), but now i'm mostly known for my witch bath series.

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"𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟"
Sirens AU🧜🏻‍♀️🌊

36 180


129 462

I just got finished drawing this.
I messed up on Kagomes face shape... but other than that!
I'll share the colored version later.

Runs in the family where I can look at something and draw it

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Is it just me or is Baerys another form of Inuyasha and Kagome!

With Irys being like Kayo me and Kikyo!

2 27

How Kagome first met Wukong she's was about 10 and Wukong was 12 here.

11 106

... Kagome's bento box from the first movie, specifically the tamagoyaki and the octopus wieners

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Character design updates
Yeojin, Kagome, and Chiyo
Queenie andAlla

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Kagome Higurashi

9 28


71 311

I drew Rin wearing her hubby's clothes<3 I may do Kagome and Sango too~

90 400

E hoje eles tem uma filha, tá tudo bem!

Parem de demonizar o Inuyasha, diminuir a importância da Kagome. O anime prejudicou o relacionamento deles. Leiam o manga!

A reimpressão da JBC tá maravilhosa, tá até melhor de ler. Vcs vão ter outra visão de Inuyasha!

2 17

This boy was PITIFUL when he didn't have Kagome with him https://t.co/yYS2PU4gKj

176 920

Faz tempo que queria desenhar eles ❤

Se gostou pfvr❤️e🔃, isso ajuda muito :)

36 161

Most of the tweets are in Korean. I draw my own characters, Kagome and other anime girls.

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Inuyasha, Shippo and Kagome sharing a treat.

31 189

Tsk... How the heck does do this?!
: Aahh.... Daa~
Just a sec, squirt.
Daddy' almost done...........probably....

76 317