Luck is not always just what shines bright....right?

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Luciens life wasnt exactly marked by luck so far, yet he hasn't lost his hope. Hope for a new life and new memories to treasure.

He too truly believes luck isnt all whats shiny and bright...or is it? 💫

4 5

A very belated Secret Valentine's Gift! 💖

[March 2023]

16 31

Let's talk Syndicates.
This Season brings us 3 of them, 4 maybe, but we'll get into that.

So, in this thread, I'll be covering every detail about the Syndicates of Mega City!
- Fox Clan
- River Guard
- Peace Syndicate

+ Potentially Mystica and The Luminaries!

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"Such an idiotic prince! Always overdoing it and almost drowning...though he looks pretty cute..."

14 26

アムール・カガンから来たミシェルにとって、海の岸辺は見慣れた風景だが、海の底で生活するのは?確かに、薬になるような興味深い植物がたくさんありますね...おそらく、ある取り残された王子のために 🧜‍♀️

5 14

If you cant find a princess for white day, get yourself a little noble ❤️💚

4 12

Just a heads up the Illuminarty website is pretty bunk LOL😂

1 44

Ehhhhh, Illuminarty seems super confident my human art is AI, so I’m reaaally questioning its accuracy lol

2 31

スラム街で育ったフォークは、悪天候や寒さに悩まされることはないだろう。しかし、マザーホレを最も攻撃的にするチャンスを得た彼は、ヒューゴに自分の服装を永遠に後悔させるためにそれを使うだろう ⛈️❄️

4 13

Tengan un buen inicio de semana.👋🏼🤙🏼✌🏼

9 50

"Look at his feathers, they are so bright!"
"What is he wearing around his neck?"
"He looks so old and tired..."

Being cursed to live the life of a swan, Raoul is now dammed to hear humans and swans chattering and mumbeling 🦢

7 14

Hay formas mas organicas de iluminar pechos (piel en general) pero siempre me gusta darle ese brisho en una capa de iluminación o luz dura.

Si, es un brillo muy común en ilustraciones/ mangas/ animes de cultura (?)

3 16

This Sunday will be a break from the character list again and its time for you to introduce more of your favorite childhood books/movies to us with the help of your favorite Lumi characters!

3 8

Be as noble as you wont help you when your enemy is right behind you,trapping you without your notice...


13 22

Every locked away noble needs his own smart and nagging Owlgo, doesn't he? ❤️🦉💚


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