What happens when you love a part of a fanfic while you have a song by Gregorian stuck in your head and then inspiration hits? THIS
This is inspired in the fic "Juleka vs the Forces of the Universe" https://t.co/3y3HcAns0N

5 25

Сомневаюсь конечно что Инстаграм заблокируют, но даже если это случится я всегда буду периодически пердеть то тут, то в вк, то в телеге❣️

2 56

valentine's day / white day (even though it isn't the quite the right time for either;;; )

147 666

when i meant adult lukanette, i actually meant spicy adult lukanette.....



32 278


23 123

Lukanette for my friend Clarity's Birthday💙

17 135

Here's my Secret Admirer gift for . 💙💙🥰🥰 Bard Luka and spellcaster Marinette in dnd/fantasy AU. Happy Valentine's Day!!

18 109


14 95

part 2 is also done~~ time to do part 3 lukanette✨🌸🐍

1 7

Viperion: you know you’re really cute when you pout like that~ 😏
Multimouse: S T O P
Here’s an early piece

2 4


39 180


8 35

Happy Birthday to my Bestie 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

35 242