❤️🕸”I myself am strange and unusual”🕸❤️

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This *might* be the last picture for 2020. Mayhaps.

Anyway, this one was fun to work on! Grew up with the cartoon. Loved how punny it was! Need to rewatch it to see if it holds up.

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AHHH. Here she goes! Finally finished these BJ drawings
I will upload Beetlejuice himself tomorrow

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"My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room."
I love Lydia, it was fun to draw her as a Native girl! ❤️

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“Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself am strange and unusual.”

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I've been wanting to draw my own interpretation of and for a while. I love them.

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I am preparing my Freddy drawing for tomorrow to live stream my color pencil work but in the meantime, here is a digital redraw of an old Beetlejuice artwork 💕

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