Jumping on the bandwagon :D I think I’m in the minority when i say i liked ME3 the best out of the whole trilogy;;

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Tuchanka 6 years later after reaper invasion~
[It's 6 years anniversary for ME3]
Speed paint 1.30 hrs >w<~

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Love Me3話、今夜23時ころ更新です。よろしくお願いします。

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I was out grocery shopping w. . She found this and asked: "Isn't this the salarian scorpion pistol from ME3?!" So it was.

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Re-playing ME3 getting ready for Andromeda. (cackles) What if Shepard had the equivalent of Instagram? LMAO-oh.

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me3 collab w/ ! She lined one set and coloured the other, n vice versa
can you guess who did what >;3c

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TFW someone's going through ME3 for the first time after completing the first 2 games and all the things happen.

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