Hoje vamos conferir 2 chaves de jogos! e cedidos pelos devs no ! então é isso e simbora gente <3

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「何よコレ! まるであたしがゾンビみたいじゃない!」


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くびつりだいが しょうたいを あらわした! 


※妄想です。 https://t.co/apimIziRiL

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Our release of 's on and GOG has now received a patch restoring the Purge Corruption Minigames.

Please check out the blog for more details


49 101

Hi everyone. After speaking with our partners we are now able to offer a restoration patch which restores the Purge Corruption minigame to the Steam and GOG versions of

Check out the blog for more details on how to get it


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Alice`s coming on Nep world?


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Mary Skelter 2 is a strange prequel/sequel/reimagining of the first game, but with more refined RPG elements, and the same creepy world based on blood, dark fairytale characters, and the disturbing immortal Nightmares.

3 30

Ladies, gentlemen and Vtubers. It is with great honour that I present to you a stream tomorow at 6.20PM GMT+1 I will streaming the PC release of Mary Skelter 2 a few days earlier than STEAM release!

It is a big honor since it's from , I love them!

1 3

Thank you Ross from for enabling my love for turn-based strategy dungeon crawler types!

A day before the OFFICIAL release of Mary Skelter 2 on Steam, I will be streaming it on Twitch! Check my schedule!

I am looking forward to playing it!

6 12


「ジャック君、お誕生日おめでとう! お姉さんから、とっておきのプレゼントよ!」
「どうして私のそんな写真持ってるのよ!? シャーロット~!」

Happy birthday to Jack

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