To your soothing voice and your dorky laugh that I miss so much- to the eyes that I fell for

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Something I did for @/mingyeets UwU))o

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武蔵野美大 Kim Mingyeongさんの作品は白色(同系色)の使い分けが美しく、日本画(材)表現の真骨頂を見ました。

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Work In Progress ‼️

I've had this XueXiao Assassin/Prince AU in my head for a few months... Prince XXC has SJY's Yan DaFu's aesthetic, and when pictures of WHX's Yu MingYe began to leak, that became Assassin XY's. (this is NOT Yan DaFu x Yu MingYe)

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Finally finished this chibi fanart. I hope he sees (and likes) this.

May he continue to buy sticky notes and take them off when he's done filming the scenes he's in.🙏

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It is because of this that I drew Haoxuan Mingye with his DotP script with stick notes 🥺 but the sticky notes I drew weren't enough 🤣

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Sobre essa curiosidade: a fez um desenho muito lindinho do nosso Yu Mingye (dance of the phoenix) com seu roteiro e vários post-its, vale a pena dar muito amor para essa fofura!

5 14

Летающие головы вошли в чат.

Новая дорама с Хаосюанем у меня поперла лучше, чем с Ло Юньси. И этого хватило, чтобы я опять кинулась что-то рисовать.

0 4

yu mingye was not the warm up i intended him to be

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Tread de divulgação - Se eu tosse uma personagem de TCPM, novel da

Do clã do Mingye pq ser cadela do personagem não é o suficiente

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Drew him with his copy of the script with lots of sticky notes because he likes putting them on pages where he has lines.🤧

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition 🎮 Switch
Ich hab das Spiel in meiner Jugend auf der Gamecube ziemlich viel gespielt und fand es glaube ich ziemlich gut. Als es Remastered raus kam wollte ich es unbedingt haben. Jetzt hab ich so 1-2 Stunden

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Cozy Grove 🎮 Switch
So, endlich angefangen!! Dachte es wäre mehr Don't Starve aber ist tatsächlich mehr Animal Crossing 👍 hab bisher erst so 1-2 Stunden gespielt und noch nicht richtig warm geworden aaber es ist auf jeden Fall mega süß und sympathisch 🥰

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Bust commission for LemmingYellow💚🌺

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