so yeah. screenshot edits huh

og edit in replies!

3 4

Update: I've seen the episode and wanted to remake this but slightly more in-character. That funky monkey is so proud of himself 😌

0 3


53 281

Meet my new LEGO: Monkie Kid sona, Tiaotiao! the ''cat'' Jiangshi ✨

1 4

how long has it been since you saw him smile
trying to brute force myself out of art block take some ao lie

4 12

“The eyes of the shadows glare down on the warrior as his defiance to death is overwhelmed by his debt.”

21 79

New icon! Totally real imagery of me being manipulated by the monkeys in my head!!

4 34

discord art event......
• I loves black bunnies
• I don't celebrate Easter

50 397

How's this look? Obviously based on the armor in the second pic so she probably wouldn't always wear it

7 76