Tried to generate the Eager Passion company mascot in Novel AI's image generator.

I think she came out pretty close!

2 26

"cowboy shot" と指定すると、THE立ち絵って感じのイラストが出てきます

0 20


7 50


1 28

girl : 1.0 | cat : 1.8 の合成

2 11


7 37

Since we've mentioned it in the Image Generation Announcement, we've just sent all existing and active Tablet & Scroll subscriptions an additional 500 Anlas!

45 219

百合にも造詣が深いNovel AIくん...

270 1267

The stable anime generation model produces pretty nice results with very little screwing around too. knows their audience, that's for sure.

1 3

仮面ライダーっぽい人たち (晴れ舞台で)#NovelAI

3 4