Who will win the NFC EAST??

Favorite Eagles

(Sorry Giants and Skins fans)

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Sony α7RIIがすごい。
42MPの高画素、ISO 102400の高感度、高速AF、399点の広いAFエリア、4K30p、236万有機ELファインダー、5軸手振れ補正、NFC・wifi搭載、etc。

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Je viens de soutenir le projet Les Arènes de l'Éternité sur inside http://t.co/UDZC7kWd0w

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Yay, I can post this now! A collab with the fantabulous Miss , for the NFC conbook. An honor to work on :D

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Many thanks to for scanning the sketches I made for her and Basil at NFC!

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So many Tristans!

If I gave you art at NFC, I'd love scans/better photos than my busted phone was capable of! :D

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Saw a depiction of the NFC north and loved it. This is my rendition.

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The new 3DS has an additional small control stick, Amiibo (NFC) support, faster, cart slot on the bottom.

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