If you're looking for the main attraction
Just hold on tight and let me do my dance💃
Long time no see! Instagram's algorithm is pissing me off, so I thought that going back to Twitter was the only way to avoid it. Now then...Enjoy!

15 61

浅画了小情侣 真的好好嗑✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و

16 51

礼裙安纳苏٩۹(๑•̀ω•́ ๑)۶

7 23

suddenly my name is jolyne kujo for some reason😳

2 2

Arte fofinha que fiz hj só pq fiquei no hype e também sou gado de gado—

❤️ + 🔁 = Artista feliz—

31 88