Kayaknya udah lama ngga taroh post art di twitter... Ya akunku gado-gado jugaan🤡

So, here is Nobimaru from Kemono Jihen-! Seems like user rinnatto_ got a new husbu lmao

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⚠️SPOILER WARNING // Kemono Jihen Manga⚠️

Nobimaru shooo cute— izin menyampah dlu y👍

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I did some drawings of my favorite character from an anime I recently finished 💛❤️‍🔥

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Today’s Kemonomimi of the day is Nobimaru from Kemono Jihen!

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Omanjuu Kemono Jihen
Rilis: Agustus 2021
Price: 110-120k/each
DP: 60k

List chara:

*+sisa kalau tidak full book


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Finally made my Nobimaru kinsona ,, not happy with the art at all but at least the design is down dfhdskfhasdkf

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Hey!!!!Do you luv Nobimaru!!!! Say yessssssss :3333

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Nobimaru from Kemono Jihen

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shoutout to nobimaru and his sense of style

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