I'm looking to get back into the spot illustration game, so if anyone's got any leads or wants to signal boost it'd be super appreciated. Life just took an unexpected turn so I'm open to almost any project.

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1枚目は まさにosrがテーマで 健康的な微えろ って感じで全年齢大丈夫そうなギリギリのラインを探る感じでしたw
結果的に全然 余裕で大丈夫そうなので もぅ少し攻められそうですw
僕が描いても あんま見て貰えないですけどw

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REVEAL 1 of 8! Presenting the cover to our upcoming book with cover art by inspired by Larry Elmore!

Dragonlance Companion releases Dec. 6 ! Follow for daily spoilers until release.

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Hey! We've still got just a handful of Dragon Warriors Deluxe Print Sets on hand! This boxed set is limited to 50 copies, and comes with an art book and 8 signed prints.


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Last Friday Aaron Ray, Howard Young, Jason Fauber and Ike Fauber’s characters adventured into the King’s Gate in the Stoneforge Highlands. This is the 4th expedition into The Fallen Kingdom of Dun’Athul.

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Holiday sale for Cha'alt books! Grandma needs her eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse fix...

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Another example of a product I was interested in, but on the fence about, until I saw the publisher's helpful and friendly replies to the comments in DriveThruRPG. I ordered it after that.

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On October 22nd Aaron Ray, Jason Fauber and Ike FauBer’s characters adventured into the King’s gate in the Stoneforge Highlands. This is the 2nd expedition into The Fallen Kingdom of Dun’Athul.

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Finished drawing this cleric, always make divine healing rare in my settings. Most towns and villages might have someone who can use something as simple as cure light wounds pass through on a pilgrimage maybe once a year if that.

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All members of OSR!! (Minus Silan- corner left- he’s a silly little guy)

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A chonky kitty (in need of a belly scratch) from my Patreon. Now available as stock art on DriveThruRPG. Just $2. Return customers will receive a half-off coupon shortly. New customers can find a linktree in my bio.

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A beefy bruiser from my Patreon. Now available as stock art on DriveThruRPG. Just $2. Return customers will receive a half-off coupon shortly. New customers can find a linktree in my bio.

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Here is the mummy I painted on the stream tonight. Thanks LegacyGameMastering, and for hanging out and talking about being spooky.


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Managed to find the time to make a little progress on the cleric drawing I've been working on

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Start your evening of adventure with the basic ruleset and an adventure from Troll Lord Games.


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I've decided to do a Halloween Sale for all my games. Spooky savings give you tricks and treats!

RT's please 🙏
Link ⬇️

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