all in one, you have 4 parms to tweak: glass(transparency)/absorb(attenuation)/refract(bend light)/roughness(frosted)

6 25

Commission for Deeparms for a ref sheet of his OC, "Kevin", or so we think it is >w<"

19 100

Finished half body commission for deeparms(DA) feat. Sion Barzahd from The Bouncer.

Support me at Patreon:

Buy my art at Gumroad:

27 199

Some edited sprites i worked on for the trailer of my doom mod, Youtube Pooparms.

Many thanks to The Spriter's Resource!

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"A-Wings" Model by Adam Burch based on Ralph McQuarries concept. Rendered in Lightwave and generally tweaked in Photoshop. Couldn't decide which version I liked the most so posted both. Background was rendered out of Mandelbulb3d using parms by Les-Monts on Deviantart.

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its hyperfixation time, you know what that means! behold, s h e

0 2

the "dpm2 a karras" sampling parms, show this,

0 1