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Latest painting, just finished so still shiny and wet! any title ideas?

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An insanity that borderlines on genius slowly emerges in my latest painting, "SAGE"

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This is my favorite pain painting, The painting is inspired by Christine.

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"So, since you can’t get a good price for your soul, why not keep it?"

My painting, "The Professional"

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Some of you have asked about my new pink painting, from the little ink study. Here's a peek! Not done yet.

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Finished my painting,a song.Was some good needed practice!Now sleep,1AM came out of nowhere..

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Lady Diana painting, it represents the love she gave and the love we shared, She wide b soooo proud of her Boys

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Desert Nights 16x20" oil I recorded while painting, will put together a video soon.

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Vortex: J'ai retravaillé cette toile, qu'est-ce que vous en pensez? / I've modified this painting, what do you think?

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Peinture à l'huile / oil painting, format A4.

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Peinture à l'huile / oil painting, format A4

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melayani jasa karikatur digital painting,awet ,bersih,bisa dicetak ulang (+softFile)

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Karikatur digital painting, minat hub : 085642234565/32E42AB0

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Join HMS Fine Arts day camp filled with painting, paper mache, dancing, singing, reader's theatre & more! 403-619-8115!

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I broke through an artist block and produced a great painting, guess I was celebrating

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Hooray! My painting, "Salvation", was juried into the Art Society of Old Greenwich show.

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"Kilauea" volcano oil painting, The Hawaii Series~Painting Paradise http://t.co/ktk3Z4UQ

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"Aioria" Painting, terminado, este fin de semana subo el nuevo un nuevo video!

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im asking just as kindly as the girl with the zayn painting, will you please RT my drawing?:)please?

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The new enemy of the original painting, you like it?

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