Harmony/Paruko is SO adorable!
I'm in love with her color scheme✨

57 167

Harmony/Paruko takes a well earned lunch break (she slept for her entire shift)

41 108

Harmony/Paruko has always been really popular with JP artists and the developers took NOTE. I’ve also theorized if Splat bands would get this kind of feature in-game; it’s just great. Love this lil adhd creature 💕

28 408

I love Harmony/Paruko and I am happy she is in Splatoon 3💕☺️
I've been wanting to draw her for a while so I finally did!

190 860

I'm a nonbinary bi artist :3 I recently got off hiatus for Splatoon 3! I love deep cut and paruko and making OCS!!

8 57

I really love Paruko (now Harmony) so take a little drawing of her

44 170

paruko, paruko

just look at paruko being her authentic autistic self, i adore her 💚

she sits hunched over like a shrimp!!! like ME!!! ❤💛💚

(had to blow off some steam with a doodle, doesn't look the best but i quite enjoyed making it)

2 6

honestly I thought something was off from paruko's model and then I realized I just got so used to seeing her glasses design in kfad

0 1

hype!! made a harmony/paruko to celebrate

1 3

If were a pokemon i would say: paru paru paruko!

0 9

Glenna/Paruko/Harmony/Whatever they call her next from Splatoon chilling without a thought in her head

35 162

Harmony/Paruko/Armonía! 💗💗💗 El primer dibujo es bastante autista.

5 14

parukos/harmonies i've drawn over the years. i feel like i've improved

17 87

This is old but I'm just so happy to see her 😭😭💞💞

183 903

“You forgot your phone at the register.”

109 604