# phineasandferb phineasandferbdystopianau phineasandferbau pnfremembermeau pnfau pnfrmau pnfdystopianau phineasandferbremembermeau dystophinabella phinabella pnfdystoau dystodoof westanthisking weprobablyshouldntbut soulmateau phineasandferbsoulmateau pnfsoulmateau inhiseyes inhiseyesau pnfinhiseyesau hecansee hecannotsee phineasandferbsweettreatau sweettreatau pnfsweettreatau pnfstau stau likefatherlikesonau juatchadoonau pnfzeroau tinyau smallau intheabsenseofkissespnffanfic chfilpnffanfic phineasandferbaskids pnfkids pnffanart phineasandferbbros pnfbrothers wholesomepnf phineasandferbteens phineasandferbasteens phineasandferbasteenagers smolbeanphin phineasflynnissmol phineas phineasisthebest phineashasaweirdshapedhead phineasflynn theonlythingthatsimpossibleisimpossibility phineasis7degreesconfirmed pibbycorruptionmod fnfpibbycorrupted fnfpibbycorruptionmod fnfpibbyfanart fnffanart pibbymodfnf phineaspibbycorruptionmod phineaspibby phineasfnf phineasandferbmemes phineasflynnfletcher phineasflynnfanart phineasfanart phineasandferbmeme niceargumentmeme niceargumentunfortunatelymeme memes meme arcane arcanefanart jinxfanart artvent venting encanto phineasandferbasencantocharacters catdoodle frogdoodle candaceairpodmeme ohnocandaceisanairpodferb whatarewegonnadu supermario supermariofanart waluigi doofenshmirtz waluigifanart doofenshmirtzfanart phineasandisabella phineasandferbjuatchadoon phineasandferbjuatchadoonau pnfjuatchadoonau ferbfletcher baljeettjinder isabellagarciashapiro

Guys look I made a new AU

It’s still in development so a lot of this isn’t final

I’m calling it Sweet Treat AU for now. It’s a very fun AU

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mAyBe ThEy’Re gOiNg On A dAtE

Once again, Is the owner of this fanfic called “In The Absence Of Kisses”. A “what if” of CHFIL. idk what else to call it: https://t.co/xArBrMbHiG

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A good wholesome way to start your day. Unless you happen to see this at like 12:00. Hopefully it’ll still put a smile on your face

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Smol bean

Phineas is canonically short go watch AYA and see for urself

I made this in less than an hour I am s p e e d

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Help I have become obsessed with this

I saw the Pibby trailer on YouTube and holy c r a p

Ferb doesn’t actually look too scary imo

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Phineas is 87 confirmed

(Forgot I had a Twitter whoops—)

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Feeling angst-y and depress-y today so I broke out my charcoals

I’ll probably be fine in an hour or so

There is charcoal everywhere now and I’m afraid to touch anything

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Since it’s Christmas have some old art I did ab a year ago of Phineas and Isabella under the mistletoe

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