Day 13 - Moss

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🌱#Plantober Day13: Eucaluptus🌱
When the catto doesn’t want your kisses. Very sad times. lol 😂 🍀

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'Aldrovanda vesiculosa'

So this is basically an underwater venus flytrap!
This is an aquatic carnivore that kinda looks like whole flytrap plants strung along together.

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🌱Jour 12 : Branche
"Tu te souviens y’a 3 ans quand t’avais cassé ta baguette ?"

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🌱#Plantober Day12: Birds of Paradise🌱

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'Drosera spatulata'

"The seed also germinates without much difficulty, causing little plants to pop up in surrounding pots"

No kidding...

noticed the children just the other day. came as a pleasant surprise!!

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Day 11 - Aloe


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🌱#Plantober Day11: Fiddle Leaf Fig🌱

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A repost from my Instagram today. Inktober/Brushtober/Plantober has me back to practicing my illustration skills between writing novels. This drawing took about 2 hours. She's my Victorian-Era News/Flower girl.

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'pinguicula Guatemala'

ButterWorts are severely underrated carnivores. Basically living flypaper they are great at catching tiny flies. During the winter they grow non-sticky leaves & basically turn into a succulent!

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Day 10 - Cherry Blossom


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Day 9: Queen of the night

สวยสง่า สมชื่อราชินี

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🌱#Plantober Day10: Pothos🌱
Inuyasha fanart

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🌱#Plantober Day9: Calla Lily🌱
Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls 💚

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day 7, 8 & 9.
Prompts: Eucalyptus, Cactus and Magnolia.

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🌱Plantober 9 : Magnolia.
Ou la satisfaction d’un sortilège réussi.
(Tous les timelapses de mes illustrations sont sur Instagram)
Joyeux vendredi 🎃

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Yucca + Royal
the sword is sheathed otherwise it'd be a tad more graphic.

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Day 8 - Dandelion


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