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There's a promotional image of #RErevelations dedicated to #ChrisRedfield in his BSAA winter uniform which he hasn't hat,unlike game.
That's because Capcom was worried fans didn't recognize him
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH25th #RErev #RErev1 #バイオハザード
One of Jill's discarded extra outfit for Resident Evil Revelations is June's one from Star Gladiator,aFighting game by Capcom
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH25th #RErevelations #ResidentEvilRevelations #JillValentine #RErev #RErev1 #バイオハザード
Official Jill Anime version for #ProjectXZone saga
I just can't hold myself to love it!
An anime serie dedicated to RE with this style would be amazing*_*
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #JillValentine #PxZ #PxZ2 #バイオハザード #RErev #RErev1 #ResidentEvilrevelations
@MisthiosGamer @punished_chris @RE_Games @MisthiosGamer thanks,you got the point.
Jill makes RErev1 on 2012 but it takes place on 2005 so it isn't a sequel of her story at all.
Plus,it's ridiculous Jill is making several cross over games (so Capcom's aware she's an icon) while she's absent from RE timeline since 2009