I knew Gilbert Gottfried best as Iago and Digit the most throughout my life, but he I know he also did Mr. Mxyzptlk in Superman: The Animated Series. It's such a shame to hear this news.

R.I.P. Gilbert Gottfried, we will miss you so much. :'(


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Gilbert Gottfried has passed away at age 67 after fighting a long illness. His final television role was God from Smiling Friends. He will surely be missed.😔#RIPGilbertGottfried

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Gilbert Gottfried

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Man Gilbert Gottfried’s death hit’s me right in the childhood man! He was one of my favorite voice actors and I’m gonna miss him so much! RIP Gil!!!

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A great man, and a amazing voice actor/comedian

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Hearing the news today was heartbreaking.😢
So here's a tribute to him, in a deliberate homage to that famous Mel Blanc print.

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Gilbert Gottfried will always be known as one of those men who will have a recognizable and one of a kind voice and one of the funniest men in history

May your soul rest in peace Gilbert

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Gilbert was a very amazing comedian and actor. We all knew him for that voice, but that was honestly apart of his charm and what made him funny. My condolences to his loved ones and may he rest in peace. (1/2)

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today: cynical holiday classic; a little Indian boy makes friends with the animals; an '80s origin, where's the Gargoyle?; mechanical bugs attack TAS

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