Umm umm so I went to rivalstwt acad discord and wow that was a fun ride, registered myself as sophomore bc 2nd year's pog, met nice friends, platonic flirted, and nice food. Anyway, I'm Heitth of the Kind!

4 21

POV: Sir blade tells the class about Philza Minecraft

0 13

REALLY ROUGH SKETCH I'M SORRY, but well done everyone we got close :D
(imagine that this was some sort of school competition lol)

15 172

War. Firelight. Night.
These are the details my frd wrote and I drew them.

2 4

Day 4: Sir Blade and Mr Wastaken (RVLSAcad)

Keeping up with the posting even though its not fully done. ;-; But anyways, here ya go.

1 15

||31 Days of Rivals||
Day 27

pog :D but imagine your teachers stealing the spotlight :pensive:

(also if anyone can see this, which one would you choose? Angst OR Fluff? you can reply to this below :D)

46 468

The boob meme I think ft. friends

13 254

after disappearing for a bit here I present to you, Ari of the Brave

0 14

Greetings from the Drama Prez o//

36 329

(info in the replies :D)

7 43