1965: Willy McBean and His Magic Machine.
Salvo por el caricaturesco diseño de los personajes, que no está mal, es solo recomendable para estudios del

Leer más y trailer: https://t.co/Y4KCOfW5gw

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"I'm Mr Icicle, I'm Mr 10 below". Snow Miser from The Year Without Santa Claus. He's just a groovy dude.

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The misfit Reindeer explores a snowy winter's eve.

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Got a cavity today so why not draw some nostalgic art?
5 year old me loved the Rankin Bass's Rudolph, so a tribute to her. I used to think instead of "we're all misfits" they said "we're all biscuits"

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And now, just in time for the two exemplary gentlemen.

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"wHy WeReN'T yOu aT elF PrAcTiCe!?!?"

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Okay, so I went ahead and drew another Christmas themed something. Here’s Yukon Cornelius, the self-proclaimed greatest prospector of the north from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Great movie.

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