As an addition, you could take any of the g1 ladies, give them their alt parts on their actual robot modes and you'd have infinitely more appealing designs I think.

Animators seemingly discarded even more of Chromia, Moonracer and Firestars mass with their bot modes.

11 85

Como recordaran o no, hice una fusión de 6 pokes para un concurso para , y el resultado, decidí prestarselo, ya que me quedo gustando así que decidí colocarla en el Isekai, le pedi a que le hiciera un arte, mañana mostrare la linea completa de evolucion.

9 38

Whoops! Forgot to post this ages ago. Here’s Firestars family! Still not happy with Leafpools design so I may change it in the future.

12 72

design meme w/ Firestar! this was super fun; especially while trying to make all the firestars look different
special thanks to and for the designs!!
original by shebpaws on tumblr

16 44

I’m back in Japan now🇯🇵I’d love to go Dubai again🇦🇪✨#GITEXFutureStars

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DianaLyn, DLC at and Excited to learn together tonight.

1 4

Your third pull.... A PR!!! "Jewelry Nights Coord"

12 26


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Your first pull...It's a Honaka PR!
"Glitterful Maiden Coord"

12 21