画質 高画質

しゅんかちゃん()が歌ったshake it!を聴いてイメイラを描きました♪ 

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Against the stormy gusts of winter day and barren rage of death's eternal cold


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Stylistic study for sonnet 21: "a couplement of proud compare"

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Sonnet 15: the conceit of this inconstant stay

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Designed by Priscila Rüthschilling. Lovely " Shake It Out" Poster.

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7: Golden pilgrimage

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Some of you may be just a few days away from starting job/colleges/school, but remember to always

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"Psst, Shakespeare... lass mich doch einfach dein Ghostwriter sein.", flüsterte der Totenkopf leise.

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New blog post:
Sonnets and death

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I've noticed some of you flows have been sad lately, so I encourage you to "shake it out" art by http://t.co/MKJnPcsZ.

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*shakes head* as long as master is happy

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*Shakes head and scrunches nose* i hate smoke...

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