
Yui sketch

69 362

Guys, I don't think the stork was responsible for their kids.

1663 23990

Lich (Granblue Fantasy)

... a bit basic, but this was supposed to be a sketch so yeah

39 225

SketchUpの有料版さえあればもっとキレイな線画が抽出できた?🤔 無料版でLine表示させる方法がわからずカラーで描きだしたデータをクリスタ先生でゴリゴリ線画抽出してる🤤

0 7

Not too fond of this, so I'll just practice the gold tomorrow and leave it at a sketch level

13 131

Oh no another übel sketch

75 978


819 8460

o speaking of i have this production sketch thingy of osaka !!!! it's from that one scene from episode 2^^

4 34