tldr: i thought this sign was a reference to a specific piece of art from superstar saga and it was a spur of the moment thing

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In Hesiods, "Shield of Hercules", he and Iolaus, with Athena and Apollo's support, spur forward to clash with the bandit Cycnus, and his father, god of war, Ares!

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Spur of the moment commission from Sunny for their newest Avi

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Congrats on the 50 Followers, yo! Thought to spur out my Kirin for this celebration, though got an alternative of a Kelpie in this mix if preferably better ^^;

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my only hope is that my efforts help spur change

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Sale Alert! Always Tired bought for 0.02 ETH (34.79 USD) by 0x9874 from Spur89 on Opensea

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A spur of the moment painting for fun! Trying to find more interesting ways to color :)

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R.I.P. my glorious Copper Spur UL1. You really bit the dust in 2022.

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Spur of the moment, but, would anyone be interested in a waist or possibly full body commission? Single character, basic to no bg? 🤔 DM if interested! I'll take one that draws my attention! Sudden expenses so this would be a major help~

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WEEDLE!!! Everything about Weedle makes me happy. I love the little doe eyes, the goofy clown nose, and the fact that it wants nothing more than to jab you with a poisonous spur and kill you with its home-grown chemical cocktail. Just as good as Caterpie in a sillier way. 9/10

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MEZZO girls closing this super random series based on Ainana's SECRET NIGHT part eheheheh <3

It started on a random spur of the moment with Riku but I knew that my girls deserved to be on stage once again!

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Seeing Thủy Tinh's high temper, the king asked the suitors to race in bringing wedding gifts: a nine-tusk elephant, a nine-spur cockerel, and a nine-mane horse. This was a ploy to choose the gentler Sơn Tinh, since the gifts could be found more easily on his realm. 3/4

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Idk what I was on, a random spur call and a motivation to draw an outdated character for colour tests

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not really but also???

left pic was a spur of the moment 😭

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We'll be finishing that art we started on stream tomorrow (later today) hopefully! Very excited to get more done on it.

Thank you for stopping by! I know it was pretty spur of the moment so it means a lot everyone. 💜🐲

Remember to fight the brain-gremlins, you're amazing.

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Ich such‘ im Schnee vergebens
Nach Ihrer Tritte Spur,
Wo sie an meinem Arme
Durchstrich die grüne Flur.

Franz Schubert, ©️Albert Birkle

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