In the ANT1 Greek dub of Sailor Mercury was mistakenly called Sailor Kronos (Σέιλορ Κρόνος) in the first two seasons before her name was changed to Sailor Ermis (Σείλορ Ερμής). Sailor Saturn was then called Sailor Kronos.

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Along sailormoon, she was my childhood magical girl and i was obsessed!

9 23

Slowly chipping away at these with my second one another very popular suggestion! Ha! I’m probably spending too much time on these, may have to speed it up on the remaining ones.

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I'm waiting for the day when /, or any distributor, picks up It is a gem.

4 18

Fanart de en mi mente explotó la imagen de una Usagi con pelito corto, y no lo pensé dos veces🌙💕

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Having rewatched a few episodes of almost all of the villains are having a sale of some sort. is the real villain of Sailor Moon... Capitalism? 😂

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style Sailor Senshi! In this reimagining of the cast of I wanted each scout to be reincarnated in a different part of the world and made sure they had a little more visual variety to them like in This was a ton of fun to work on!

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-I've never taken the Dub of DBZ that seriously, TBH the Toonami Dub is just fun nostalgic Cheese like Pokemon, Digimon, SailorMoon, & Yugioh's dub which I also love. If I want Organic Ill read the Manga or watch OG JPN
-Best Part of Dragonball Super was the Slice of Life Filler

1 24

Did a revamp of my I wanted to blend two of my chibi styles. I really really love this one!

4 8

¿Saben si se puede editar el manga de Según leí ya se arregló el tema legal

PD: No sean malitos y reediten pues ya está totalmente agotado desde hace meses

Pd2: Traigan Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon, muchos lo estamos pidiendo desde hace años T.T)

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Para los fans de el cumpleaños de Usagi fue muy especial porque...

-En 2020 estará saliendo el proyecto de película en 2 partes "Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal", que tomará el lugar de la 4ta temporada de

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I recently learned that a symbol of bisexual is the double moons, which reminded me of something - it's only right considering it's BIshojo Senshi not Hetshojo Senshi Sailor Moon 💖💜💙 Happy end (or, depending on where you are, beginning) of

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Hoy ya es 30 de Junio y es el cumpleaños de una de las chicas más aclamadas en el mundo del anime: Usagi (Serena) Tsukino la chica que lucha por el amor y la justicia, en el nombre de la Luna.

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Aka From BWVer 2 Havn't played it YET! Discovered her while looking for refs for MISTY! She seems like a cutie. Thanks to Sailormoon, pig tails and Buns have been my weakness. Oh and of course Asuka Langley.

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💛Here's my
1/ Nakayoshi serial, where I read Sailormoon, Magic Knights Rayearth, Card Captor Sakura, & many others
2/ LOVELESS, informed much of my style
3/ Weekly Shonen JUMP, got me addicted to Naruto & BLEACH
4/ Tenchi Muyo!, such gorgeous designs & stylization

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I thought I would add my screencap redraws of these were a lot of fun, and I’m planning on doing a few more in the near future.

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