to mark it being it was time to repost my painting - hope you like it

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released the lineup! That makes me and my friend happy enough to eat a whale!

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To celebrate here's some sharks laffin. Oh sharks.... you're so silly.

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DYK? Female Pacific Spiny Dogfish don't begin having pups til their mid 30s!

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Somebody's pretty excited about

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here's my take on a great white. His name... Sinister Finn.

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Sharks are involved in the fatalities of only 5 people a year, some perspective here

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Aquaman king of the seas! Friend to sharks.

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Basking shark mouths are large enough to swallow 10 buses filled with children

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In honor of shark week, I'm watching Sharknado tonight! Crazy shark movie here I come!

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Workhardtravelharder_son from IG joined us a couple of weeks ago & took some great photos!

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