Here is some Basic Character in a Costume for

Basically supposed to be his character Rangle as Rouge the Bat. I thought how the results looked was pretty average, but what do you guys think? : \ /

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Kill la oof

Anime’s a mistake lol (I finally found an excuse to draw Shadow’s meme face, I feel fulfilled!)

5 26

Kinda late, but I have finished this illustration and wanted you to know.

I'm so proud of it!!!😍

Por fin terminé este fanart y se los quería compartir n.n

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✨💜 Laira 💜✨

Aquí les traigo al personaje Laira version humana, esto sería un regalo para la cumpleañera, feliz cumpleaños nwn🤌🏼✨✨☯️☯️

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✨💜 Laira 💜✨

Un redibujo del personaje perteneciente a , su personaje es rediseñada hecho por la misma autora gente (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ✨

Espero que te guste uwu🤙🏼

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