Sonknux/Sonuckles/Knuxonic has won! I'm so proud of you, we move on to the next round✨️💗

I remind you, this person does this activity for fun! The important thing is always to have fun and feel happy for our ship. Win or lose, this one will always be special to us.🥺✨️💙❤️

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I drew this fanart for great work "Running away only works for so long", Sharp Window. I just fell in love with this author 💙❤
Chapter 7

- Ah, I-I don’t want to hurt you

4 13

People, I have to get it off my chest.

The Sonknux is my most beloved space. Knuxonic definitely makes me feel alive. Sonuckles gives me that feeling that they are destined to be together in the 1001 ways and more. ✨️💗

I had never felt so in love with a ship as theirs.💕

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I got commissioned to redraw this scene from Sonic Riders with the Sonic Boom designs and I couldn’t be happier

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Lately I'm realizing that I love more than any ship😍🥺💖

Even Sonamy I've love it for years, but it's just... THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER😭✨️💙❤️

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Sonuckles is one of my favorite ship. Their little rivalry moments in Sonic x and IDW comics is legit cute.

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Empezó como una pequeña práctica y terminé llenando el lienzo de este par (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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I'm back at the Sonic x Arcane stuff

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Tysm for 3k, have some ❤️💙

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💙Sonic The Hedeghog💙

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Happy pride month fellas

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I come to fill you with drawings or at least with some doodles >:D

Translation: Sonic says: what beautiful eyes you have compadre.

2 73

hoy toco "what if", que pasaria si se casaran(・∀・)?
También aproveche para hacer el reto de
Que vivan los novios ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙

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