These are wonderful!! Thank you for sharing!! Here’s a Spider-Ham Ham-Mobile drawing I made earlier this year!

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The color is coming!! Still plenty more to do but I couldn’t resist sharing some more in progress pics!

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Pork Grind 2: Let There Be Carnage

Here’s the finished drawing as well as some fun in progress pics! I had so much fun drawing Pope Carnage and Pork Grind! Really love what Stephane came up with!

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This issue features J. Jonah Jackal and the kids reporting on a crazy scientist who has developed a device to freeze time during space travel. But when the machine goes haywire, they are sent back in time to London during the Blitz in Word War II!

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MooKnight & Spider-Ham!
Here is the drawing in several stages. I had a lot of fun on this one. I can see why has so much fun drawing his menagerie of mighty mammals!

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