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[#housekinokuni] uhhhhhh here's my hnk OC Red Spinel they love soakin up rays and giving bad advice

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How pathetic you are! Another mindless spineless earthworm trying to defend , a party of disgusting dispicable Fortunately for America, self serving morons like you are, and will always be the minority in this country. Here a quote from your

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I ended up making another one, heck ;; ;; ;;
OC Spinel

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while waiting for commission feedback i doodled my own leg rock (spinel)

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oops i made a housekisona ldkjgslk - Spinel \o\

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アッコと時生、ドキドキの急接近!? 時生のお屋敷に潜入〜強盗編のクライマックスです!!

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Black spinel 🎄 Feather perl

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Houseki no Kuni is pretty damn good so I made a Spinel for the hell of it

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Made this for CCS Week Day 5: Guardians on tumblr. Spinel Sun has always been a fave.

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Know what? Finally I finish the CCSakura stickers/charms! : D

Pues por fin he terminado la serie de pegatinas/llaveros de CCSakura ~
¿Os gustan? <3

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新作【カラスの宝の巣リング】White & Black
silver925,Spinel, Mali Garnet

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Almandine Spinel or Purple Spinel <3
My original character was made up of inspiration anime " Houseki no Kuni "
He is a little talker and not self-confident. 😯

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中恵光城さんのワークスベストアルバム「SPiNEL-Mitsuki Nakae Works Best Album-」ジャケット描かせていただきました! https://t.co/jzWASISNfn

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Spread love on with a little help from and Eileen Spinelli.

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