all I'm sayin is Flora would make a super cute Daisy if she were in the

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Bowser black in school of koopa rock!

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here's Charlie Day as Luigi cuzyeahboi

had to redo a lot of it lol

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Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Donkey Kong cosplaying their Mario Movie Voice actors past characters. Can't wait for the movie. 🎞🕹

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And in other news, Charles Martinet will be taking over as Star Lord in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

And ya'll thought I forgotten about it.

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Blessing your timeline with some super sexy Mario.

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Bruh, Charlie Day being Luigi for Ey~ Horrible Bosses! (ಥᴗಥ) This old thing is now relevant. XD;;

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Now that Chris Pratt() has got the role to play as Mario in the upcoming movie, I think for next year’s NYCC and Anime NYC l’ll be cosplaying as Mario dressed up as Star Lord.

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