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Feels surreal to say that I finished all my thesis paintings. That's it. April, I am ready for you!

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シュールな感じのイラスト。いいかんじ。 via Surreal Digital Art by David Fuhrer http://t.co/h0zz3nli

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Create a Surreal Vexel Illustration in Photoshop – Tuts+ Premium Tutorial http://t.co/lOeV8Juu

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surreal is me...i'm just a fantasy

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New book cover done! Bit more surreal than the usual offering, but hopefully intriguing nonetheless!

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Create a Surreal Urban City Montage with Lightning Effect in PSD
Our Site: http://t.co/BuDYTy8b

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surreal dark fantasy

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Edge of Dreams - Better viewing at: http://t.co/Q6BvzGHg

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》191, 11-10-2012
老外评委看中国与其文学作品都充满 Surrealism (超现实主义)。因而以 Hallucinatory Realism ( 幻觉的现实主义) 特出为由,颁发应届诺贝尔文学奖给莫言。恭喜!

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》196 13-10-2012
Hallucinatory Surrealism 幻觉的超现实主义

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Haha, Mo Yan's concern is expressed in "Hallucinatory Surrealism".

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just found this surreal Turtles drawing & thought I'd share it's awesomeness with you.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》214, 20-10-2012 Mo Yan “蛙” review: Surreal gruesome literary vendetta of one child policy in rural China.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》214 20-10-2012 Mo Yan “蛙” review: Surreal gruesome literary vendetta of one child policy in rural China

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